
27 August 2011

Well, suffice it to say it's going to be an interesting move this weekend. While that lil hussy Irene won the first round with me and delayed our travel plans of moving from North Florida to Virginia Beach from Friday to Sunday, it certainly looks like it will still continue to be an adventure. Today, it's bright and sunny, with some fantastic clouds in the sky, but yesterday was a scatterbrained weather day.

We'll be heading to our new house in Virginia Beach on Sunday - hopefully the storm will be kind to all of my family and friends in the Hampton Roads/Tidewater area, and all along the East Coast.

For more of this week's Saturday Snapshots, please visit Alyce with At Home With Books.

Picking up lunch in Neptune Beach, Florida ~ Friday, Aug. 26, 2011
Driving back to our North Florida home

We leave tomorrow. Fun, huh?


  1. I wish you the best of the luck with the move. I can't even imagine trying to move during (or after) a storm like that. I hope you guys stay safe!

  2. Mother Nature reminds us of her power once again. Be safe.

  3. Good luck - drive very safely.

  4. A very moody sky.

    Good luck with the move when it finally happens


  5. Good luck - I hope it all goes well. We've been seeing some scary pics on the TV.

  6. Best of luck to you and yours during the storm.
    And nice pictures. They look sort of ominous.

  7. I hope you know we'll all be worried about you so keep us updated!!!

  8. We decided not to go all the way to Bristol and are staying with friends in a not evacuated part of Virginia Beach. Wind and rain have picked up since 4:30am. Stay put where you are - eastern NC is a mess right now. Good luck and Welcome to Virginia Beach!!!

  9. Ooh, that sky is ominous looking. Take care!


  10. I'm glad to see you weather the storm so well. I talked to a friend of mine in Virginia Beach yesterday and she didn't seem too concerned, so hopefully things will be okay up there too.

  11. What an adventurous move. Hope it all works out.

  12. Wow! Good luck with the move and stay safe! My best friend from high school lives in Virginia Beach!

  13. Oh good Lord. I'm just sitting here listening to Fox News say that Virginia Beach is right now getting its ass kicked. Well, you drive safely and I hope you find everything in one piece when you get there. Unbelievable.

  14. I hope things are not too too bad for you. Eerie photos indeed.

  15. Good luck with the move! I love the ominous weather before a storm, but you can't really enjoy that when there's so much potential for real damage. Best to you and yours.

    My Snapshot is here.

  16. It does sort of seem like the weather is a bit all over the place right now, doesn't it? Good thing to hear that you missed part of it. I hope that your travel is easy and light, and that the storm is not an impediment at all!

  17. Good luck with the move. Stay safe!

  18. Good luck with your move and I hope you and your family will escape the worst of it.

  19. Be safe and best of luck with your move! My darling bf is from VA Beach/Hampton Roads and is actually there this weekend heading up his work's disaster recovery team. Y'all are in my thoughts!

  20. I'm glad you didn't leave yesterday, stay safe.

  21. I hope your move goes smoothly. Keep your camera handy for more great photos.

  22. Oooh, it looks a bit scary. Good luck with the move and stay safe. Awesome photos by the way.

  23. Hope you don't run into trouble tomorrow, but the storm would have completely passed by then, so you shouldn't have trouble en route. VA Beach is about four hours from here.

  24. Glad to hear that Irene didn't pack near the punch they were predicting. Hope that made you move possible!

  25. I hope the trip was an easy one!!!

  26. Hope you are safe and sound Natalie!

