
17 September 2011

Saturday Snapshot...What I'll Miss About Florida...

For more of this week's Saturday Snapshots, please visit Alyce with At Home With Books.

The move from Florida to Virginia Beach is done. I'm happy to be back in an area I love, but there is so much about Florida I'll miss, especially since this is where my husband and I got married. In North Florida, the Neptune and Atlantic Beaches areas are barely known about, even though it's just outside of Jacksonville. When tourists visit Florida, they never go North; it's South Beach in Miami, the Gulf Coast, or the Keys. North Florida's First Coast on the Eastern side consequently has some of the best, uncrowded beaches around. And sand so firm you can ride your bike on the shoreline!

Jacksonville also has significant film history since it was the original Hollywood. New York producers looked for a spot to have their winter headquarters and they settled on Jacksonville for its easy railway access and warmer weather. Then, someone realized California had better weather...

Quick Creative Facts about Jacksonville
  • Jacksonville's 1st silent film studio was opened in 1908
  • The first picture made in Technicolor and the first feature length color movie ever produced in the United States was filmed on location in Jacksonville in 1917, entitled The Gulf Between
  • Jacksonville was a crucial part of African-American film history. Richard Norman produced films starring African-American actors showcasing positive images, versus the derogatory roles offered at the time and in contrast to the negative images The Birth of a Nation stereotyped.
  • G.I. Jane, starring Demi Moore (all the training scenes especially), Basic, starring John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson, and Forces of Nature, starring Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck were filmed in Jacksonville.
  • Pete's Bar, established in 1933 in Neptune Beach (pictured below), was mentioned in John Grisham's book The Brethren.
So here's what I'll miss...

Neptune Beach
Neptune Beach
Pete's Bar, which was featured in a John Grisham novel
Indie bookstore, The BookMark
For more facts on Jacksonville, please click here.
To visit indie bookstore, The BookMark, please click here.


  1. I've never been to Florida, so I'm glad you explained how the areas are different. It looks like a lovely place!

  2. Wow, I did not know all that about Jacksonville!

  3. Ah, that wooden bridge is so scenic. :)

  4. What lovely memories you'll have though. Great idea for a Saturday Snapshot.

  5. I thought it was great idea snapping your favorite places and adding some fun facts. :) I also remember from a dialogue though from Fringe, that Olivia (the character) used to live there too. :D Okay not totally historical. :D

  6. You're right - everyone goes south. I've never been to Jacksonville. I didn't think it would be as pretty as in your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Those are some pretty cool facts. Who knew? I love knowing about off-the-beaten track places.

  8. I spent a week in St. Augustine one summer and loved it there, I think it was just about an hour south of Jacksonville but I could be mixed up. After swimming in the ocean in Florida it is very hard to go in the water again in Delaware and New Jersey because it isn't anywhere near as clear, or warm for that matter! I love the way your pictures publish!

  9. I use to go to Jacksonville on business occasionally and liked the area. St. Augustine is so pretty as well. (Love these photos - the Indie bookstore is cute).

  10. I'm a sucker for a palm tree. And that sky looks brilliant. I met my husband when we both worked in Florida. We started our married life there and had our first baby.
    Now we're in Ohio.
    Here's My Saturday Snapshot

  11. Those are great pictures! Here at SIBA last night, we were all talking about how much we miss you!

  12. Fantastic pictures! Those facts are cool too. I always like learning something new.

  13. You're so right about it being unknown. I've spent very little time up there myself (and I lived in Central Florida for most of my life).

    I had no idea the sands are firm. Good to know for future reference.

    Fun informative post. Thanks for sharing your cool pics.

    I just moved from Florida to Kentucky. I'm so thrilled about fall.

  14. I never knew Jacksonville was the first Hollywood. Love your pictures!

  15. Wow, the Jacksonville area looks beautiful! And like Lisa said, with Hollywood aspects to it.

    Now I really want to visit there! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pix and little-known facts.


  16. Hi!
    Haven't been to Florida since I was a young girl. My cousin lives in Jacksonville. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  17. I loved your explanations regarding Florida. You made it come alive for us. Wonderful photos!

    Here is my Monday: Mailbox/What Are You Reading?/Musings post!

  18. Those are great pictures. Maybe the reason I disliked Florida so much when I've visited is that we are always in busy, tourist-infested places. It would be nice to find some quiet beaches and quaint local spots.

    My Saturday Snapshots

  19. Very nice shots! My husband's aunt lives in Jacksonville. She's never brought pictures up with her when she visits, so I've never seen it before. Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my Snapshot: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/09/saturday-snapshot-september-17.html

  20. That is really interesting about Jacksonville... I had no idea! My son lives there now as he is in the Navy. I will have to share with him some of these facts.

  21. Lovely post. I've been to Florida several times but usually the Gulf coast. I'm tempted to visit the First Coast. Thanks for telling me about it!

  22. Seems to be off the beaten path so it sounds good to me. I like vacationing in places like that, away form the crowds. Interesting facts about Jacksonville. Had no idea. Glad you are settled in Va, but at least you have some lovely photos to remind you of Florida. You can always go back and visit.

