
17 December 2011

Saturday Snapshot - Rudee Inlet, Virginia Beach

After Thursday's humbling and inspirational visit to Grommet Island Beach Park for my feature "A Walk About Town," I had a few pictures of Rudee Inlet and the Virginia Beach Boardwalk that I wanted to share. The angle here is right around the 2nd street area for both the inlet and the start of the boardwalk. I don't know about you, but while I enjoy going to the beach on a warm day, I think I actually prefer it when it's a bit cold, with a little bit of wind. Something about it makes it a bit more peaceful.

For more of this week's snapshots, please visit Alyce with At Home With Books.


  1. Very peaceful indeed. You have the whole place to yourself :)

  2. You never see the boardwalk so empty in the summer. It does look very peaceful!

  3. Those are beautiful pictures! Love the boardwalk!

  4. How peaceful and beautiful it all looks! I also can't believe you got a shot of the beach with nobody on it! What a piece of luck! Great shots today!

  5. I remember that area well, but it's been years since I've been there.

  6. Gorgeous shots! I love the night sky one.

  7. I especially like the sunset pic. Beautiful colours in the sky.

  8. Peaceful, indeed! Very nice photos.

  9. Those are all beautiful views! (Sorry it took me so long to leave a comment. My mom-in-law's computer didn't let me comment on a few sites for some reason.)

  10. I love this area! I thought I had some pix from a couple of years ago when there was a big surf competition down near the jetty, but I guess they're not on my blog. However, you might enjoy these from a couple of summers ago. :)

