
22 May 2013

Thanks go out to...
  • Ms. Jilly Bean, aka Fizzy Thoughts, for the fabulous idea earlier this year for an Under the Dome readalong. While I won't be able to send gifts out to everyone (I am not creative like that, have no idea what to do), I hope everyone enjoys the collaboration together.
  • Thanks also go out to Trish at Love, Laughter, Insanity, Lesley at Prairie Horizons, and Lisa at Lit and Life for dealing with my last minute Twitter panic that I missed the readalong, and then thoughts on set up, all in the past twenty-four hours!
Although the mini-series will premiere in exactly one month on CBS, our summer readalong starts now and will extend past the mini-series premiere. I plan to DVR the show and watch it after the readalong has concluded. Reading and blogging has taken a backseat for many of us this year, but I can definitely attest even more so to it. I think the only thing that can bring me back into the thick of things is a combination of Stephen King and, most importantly, a summer readalong with all of you!

Notable Notes
  • Published: 2009
  • Number of Pages: 1,074 (my copy)
  • Genre: Sci-fi Horror (Keep in mind that The Stand was considered horror-ish, but only the first part as it set the stage was scary; the rest was more of an epic journey and battle than anything else.)
  • New York Daily News reviewed Under the Dome and proclaimed Stephen King "returns to his glory days of The Stand."
  • This is an Indie Next List choice from Indiebound.org.
  • A CBS mini-series premieres June 24, 2013.

The blurb on the back of my book
My copy, all 1,074 pages
On an entirely normal, beautiful fall day, a small town is suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. Planes crash into it and rain down flaming wreckage. A gardener's hand is severed as the dome descends. Cars explode on impact. Families are separated and panic mounts. No one can fathom what the barrier is, where it came from, and when - or if - it will go away.

Now a few intrepid citizens, led by an Iraq vet turned short-order cook, face down a ruthless politician dead set on seizing the reins of power under the dome. But their main adversary is the dome itself. Because time isn't just running short. It's running out.

The CBS mini-series trailer

You Want Structure? You Got it.
  • Do you need a blog to participate? No way. If you don't have a blog, you can either sign up in the comments below, or you can create a free account with either Goodreads, Shelfari, or LibraryThing and enter that information into the linky below. Any of those sites will make it easier for you to track your thoughts, or you can use a Twitter account to sign up. If you don't want to do any of those, but still want to participate, then you can post your thoughts in the comments for each of the mile-marker posts throughout the readalong.
  • Timeline: May 25 through July 27
  • How many posts? Who cares! It's informal. However, if you want a little structure, you can do a kick-off post now, then a middle-of-the-road post (halfway through the book) on June 24 (to celebrate the mini-series premiere even though we all probably won't watch it until we're done reading), and then a final sayonara post on July 27. Sound good?
  • Twitter-chat? Use the hashtag #domealong
  • Mini-series Twitter chat? After the readalong as we watch our DVR'd recordings of the show? Maybe?
  • And do anything you want in-between! Throw a "Stephen King, you are freakishly awesome" party, or do a screamfest movie marathon, or write a gushing post on the fall release of Dr. Sleep, the sequel to The Shining. Or, you can just post your glee on the fact that you've been a horrible blogger and reader in 2013 and this readalong is going to bring. you. back. Back, baby! Oh, maybe that's just me...
So the buttons are available below and above. Choose whichever you prefer! Then, if you want to read the book and participate in the fun, enter your details below. If you want to link to a kick-off post, go for it!

Doing a kick-off post? Then feel free to give details on:
  • Show us your copy! Audio or print?
  • Have you read Uncle Stevie before?
  • What are you familiar with about Under the Dome or Stephen King?
  • What are you looking forward to?
  • Or, just throw your hands up and screech, "HEY! I'M GOING TO READ THIS BEAST OF A BOOK NO MATTER WHAT!"
Whatever works!


  1. OMG! I get creepy crawly feelings just thinking about returning to Stephen King! It's been years since I read any of his work ... last one was The Stand and I had to stop because it creeped me out so much ... maybe, maybe I might be up to this one, though.

    Okay ... let me snag a copy from where ever ... I'm in!

    1. I do agree that The Stand was pretty scary in the first section as it built up the tension and fear. However, once it got past all of that, it was more of a wildly awesome epic journey! You had to get past that first scary part, though, that's for sure!

      I'm only about 58 pages into Under the Dome and while it's setting the stage right now and the "unknown" is out there, I don't think it's anywhere near as scary as the first part of The Stand. Dive in with us! And don't forget to enter your name in the Linky! :)

    2. Natalie ... Unsure how you expected people to yak this book up, so I have been placing comments on my initial intro post (see link above) thinking that we could come back to each's posts (above) and talk the book back and forth ... I don't 'tweet' so that level of communication is out for me ... this was the best alternative I could think up. Call me tech challenged!

  2. I'm in. I've been looking for a good book to sink my teeth into for a while and I have a copy of this just sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. It must be fate!

    1. Fantastic! Don't forget to enter your name in the sign-up post! You show up in the comments as "Unknown" so not sure if there is a Blogger glitch? Can't wait to start with everyone!

    2. Sorry about that. I tried to use my Google info, but it didn't show. I don't actually have a URL to enter - no blog for me - is there something else I should enter to add my name to the list? I've already started reading and it sucked me right in, just like his books usually do.
      - Amy Schnappinger

    3. Sorry about that. I tried to use my Google info, but it didn't show. I don't actually have a URL to enter - no blog for me - is there something else I should enter to add my name to the list? I've already started reading and it sucked me right in, just like his books usually do.
      - Amy Schnappinger

  3. I'm already hooked and I'm only a few pages in. Looking forward to my next flight from Phoenix to Portland. Love reading on planes! No pesky housework to guilt me out of reading. ;)

    1. I totally know what you mean about reading on planes! I travel quite a bit for work so time up in the air is quality time for me and me alone! I'm also only about 58 pages in or so and it's hooked me already. Typical of Uncle Stevie to pull me in right away! :)

  4. I sooooo want to join since I miss you all from the IT along but I recently read this one and really do not want to read it again. I could be strong-armed into it but once you know the ending, it's not a book to read again. I am going to watch the series though so maybe I can join in on the tweets for that. You know, just so I don't feel totally left out!

    1. Oh, I totally understand! Once you know that ending, argh, can't get it out no matter what! I'd love to have you play along whenever you want, of course! I will be watching the show after the readalong concludes, and I think we might hold the Twitter-chat then when we're all watching it at the same time? Maybe!

      I've been a bad blogger/reader/commenter this year, so Uncle Stevie is the only one who could pull me back into it all!

  5. Replies
    1. Fantastic! Welcome! And if you're on Twitter, keep updated and feel free to post tweets using #domealong. If you're not on Twitter yet, dive into the chaos with us :)

  6. I'm in (duh) but will post on Sunday and officially leave my link then. Hurrah!!!!!

    1. We're going to have one heck of a party on this one, I can feel it! Thanks for all of your help the other day in my bizarre frenzied state thinking I missed the readalong in the first place :)

  7. I'd join you if I hadn't already read it. But, the ending is fantastic, and I definitely want to read/comment on all you have to say...along with the other participants. It ended up being one of my favorite King novels, perhaps because it wasn't inherently evil.

    1. Oh, I do recall your review of it when you read it and I've heard a lot about the ending, so I'm looking forward to it! And good to read that it's one of your favorites, too! Looking forward to your thoughts as we post/tweet away on it :)

  8. Hello! New follower.. I am so glad Trish introduced me to this blog. For those that don't know, I run the Stephen King Fans group on goodreads! http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/203-stephen-king-fans
    And shockingly I haven't read this book. WHA?????? yea that's right. So I am ready to dig in!!! I am about to post about it now!

    Thanks again!


    1. Hi, there, Angie! Welcome! Very excited to have you take the ride with us, especially one who runs the SK group on Goodreads! I'll stop by and join there as well. This is going to be a fun couple of months!

  9. I read this book (actually listened to the audio) 3 years ago...OMG has it been that long ago? It was LONG so I'm not going to do a re-read, and I actually can remember quite a bit about it. So I'll happily just follow along and see what you guys have to say. I will be watching the mini-series!

    1. It is one heck of a chunkster, I can't even imagine what my back will feel like when I take to on my business travel next week. Methinks I may be charged extra for carry-on baggage? Can't wait to read your thoughts as we go through this!

  10. Hi, Natalie!

    I've missed you! I'm going to try, and hope it's not toooo scary!


    1. I have missed you as well!! I've been a horrible blogger and reader this year, so I'm so glad you're joining in and we can experience this crazy Stephen King journey! Sign up if you'd like and read if and when you can!

  11. Goodness this post is energetic. Gleefulness and screeching? OK, here's what I have decided to commit to as I curse you all for putting me through this: I will download the audio on June 1 and begin my "listen-along" since I seem to do well with Uncle Steve putting words in my ears. (I really can't believe I'm doing this #runningawayscreechingwithhandsintheair)

    1. :) Gleeful it is because I've been a horrid reader and blogger this year! I think I may have posted three times in a few months at one point. Uncle Stevie will be the only one who can bring me back into the fold, I'm certain of it!

      I was thinking about getting the audio but I've got the chunkster of a book here, and while I'm dreading my business trip next week which will make my carry-on bag considerably heavier, I already started and am sucked right in. I can't wait to read how the audio experience is from you! And never fear, there is safety in numbers and I'll run away and screech with you :)

  12. I've had this book forever and have been just pushing back on reading it as it is so long! This sounds like the perfect opportunity to give it a go! This should be fun :).

    1. Yay, do join! I admit that Stephen King seems to be a perfect way to kick off the summer months, for some reason! Maybe because summer is supposed to be laid back and relaxed and then wham! Stephen King jolts you up and freaks you out. Yeah, that must be it! At least for me :) I hope you sign up and join along, don't forget to use the hashtag #domealong on Twitter. Crazy train conversations! :)

  13. I'm in!!! My first readalong every was The Historian with you Natalie :):) I loved The Stand, couldn't finish It (twice), but am ready for Under the Dome!

    1. Woohoo, Patti's in, too! Oh, I just loved The Historian readalong, and that was my very first time hosting one. Had a lot of fun with it! I need to read that book again and soon.

      I still say you would have liked The Stand once the scary part was done (it was pretty scary at first)!! :) BUT, I can assure you that Under the Dome starts off much less scarier and it's more just this odd, WTF is going on sort of start. Very fun, bizarre, and typical Stephen King! I hope you have fun!! Don't forget to join us on the crazy train Twitter chats at #domealong!

  14. Let's do this thing! Woot! :D I'm in and I'm excited!

  15. I'm highly susceptible to peer pressure. I Hope I can keep up! (This is all Jennifer's fault!)

    1. This is good peer pressure! The start of the summer months and Stephen King? The perfect way to kick it off! We are going to have fun! And don't worry about keepin' up, that's why the schedule is two full months. Just make sure you record the TV premiere so we can all watch it together after we finish the book. All aboard the crazy train!!

  16. I'm in too! I just followed you after seeing this on The Relentless Reader. I needed an excuse to start reading Under the Dome. And this is perfect. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Welcome, welcome! It will be a very fun journey! I've had Under the Dome on my TBR for quite some time so it's perfect to read with a group! Thanks for joining and have fun no matter what!

  17. I'm in!!! I read Under the Dome when it was first released, but I checked it out again from my library and can't wait to readalong with all of you.

    1. I'm Tricia, by the way. Not sure why my wordpress username was posted instead of actual name. :) I'm also on twitter @triciarosemoore

    2. Wonderful! So excited you're going to join!! It's going to be one heck of a fun ride, and I cannot wait!

    3. Yay, you're on Twitter! Definitely keep updated on our #domealong chats!

  18. This sounds great. I haven't attempted a Stephen King book but this is one I would like to read. We'll see if I can get my act together. Probably not but doesn't mean I won't cheer you all along! New follower. Visiting via Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader. :)

    1. Hi, Tanya! Hey, we love helpers to the cause! :) Read if you do get the chance and if you end up finding you don't like it, don't give up on Stephen King! He's such a diverse writer, much more than just horror, and I think 11/22/63 is a great introduction to new readers to appreciate his masterful storytelling. You won't be disappointed with that one, that's for sure. But definitely try Under the Dome with us and definitely join us for the Twitter chats! :)

  19. I started this book about a couple of years ago and then got distracted by some other books (really bad habit). This gives me an reason to finish it. The mini series looks pretty good!

    1. I CONSTANTLY get distracted by other books! Thankfully, this is the one distracting me from others right now. :) So excited to have you join and it should be fun!

  20. You all are a horrible influence! First The Stand, then The Shining, now this. I just can't resist, I'm in!

    1. Melissa, we will drag you into this, too :) Stephen King is a great way to kick off the summer!

  21. Alright, you guys twisted my arm! ;) But seriously, this readalong should be a lot of fun! Great idea!

    1. Mwahahaha, more people are being pulled into the fray!! Yay! :) Thanks so much for joining, Andrea, we will have a complete blast!

  22. Oh, good, I'm so excited we have so many joining! It will be a lot of fun and thank you for participating. I know what you mean about these chunkster books; they always give me pause and I end up reconsidering over and over again before I finally sit down and do it! Under the Dome is one I've had on my list for a while and I can't wait to really get into the meat of it all. We will have fun and thanks again for jumping into this all with us!

  23. I so want to do this, but I have completely dropped the ball on my Harry Potter readalong so I'm going to resist. But I'll maybe perhaps try to pick this up over the summer too (I already have it on my Nook!) and if I do keep up, I'll try to post!

    1. No worries! I know what it's like to participate in more than one readalong at a time and sometimes, it becomes more stressful than fun. Join if you can, read if you want, join us on Twitter, and have fun! Stephen King has become my new favorite way to celebrate the start of the summer months!

  24. This sounds so great. I've got a copy waiting on my shelf forever! Hope it's not too late to join in. :)

    1. It is never too late to join! Please do and enter your name on the Linky when you're ready! I'll update the participants' list and we will have fun!

  25. Under The Dome is one of the few books by Stephen King that I haven't read, even though I have a copy. Please count me in!

    1. Sorry, this is the name and URL I want to participate with. Thanks!

    2. Hi, Amritorupa! Thanks for joining and I will update the participants' list with Rivers I Have Known as the site to reference for your updates! If you're on Twitter, do join us there for our chats at #DomeAlong. Looking forward to your thoughts on the book; Stephen King has become my favorite way to kick off the summer!

  26. It's official now. Published my sign up post. Not sure when I'll actually start though. I have to finish my current book first.

  27. I had so much fun with the Standalong last summer, that as soon as I read about the Domealong I knew it was time I finally read the book! So I unpacked three of our boxes to find it, and I have it in my hands right now! So excited!! (You can tell by all! the exclamation! points!) I'll add my link once I have put a starting post on my blog. Thank you for organizing this! :D

  28. I picked up this book awhile ago...and have been putting off reading it for various reasons. I might join up, is having a kindle edition ok

  29. I was lucky to stumble upon this last night! I'm so excited to be a part of this! I've been meaning to read this for a long time. :D Thanks for hosting!

  30. Yay! I've had it on my kindle since December and have been waiting for this readalong. I'm too lazy of a blogger right now to do an initial post, but I'll try to get one up partway through. I can't wait! Thanks for putting this together.

  31. I have been wanting to read this for such a long time so this will hopefully be the motivation I need!!

  32. Been a Stephen King fan for far too many years than I care to admit to. Definitely going to do the read-along!


  33. I started the book this weekend and found out about the readalong today (thanks Kristi!) -- Quite serendipitous :)

    Can't wait to see what everyone thinks.

  34. I am starting a little late but hoping I can get it read before the start of the show.

  35. Got my copy from the library yesterday, official signed up now! Thanks :)

  36. Got my copy from the library yesterday, officially signed up now! Thanks :)

  37. Okay ... the book came in the mail from a friend and I've jumped right in ... immediate reaction? Big Jim Rennie is one scary megalomaniac and his son is even creepier!

  38. Hi Natalie, Can you please tell me when everyone is posting their review? Are we all waiting till the end of July?

  39. I'm a little later starting than most but my library copy will finally be in my hands tomorrow. I have 5 weeks left so I'm sure I'll finish it! :)

  40. I'm a little later than most starting but my library copy will finally be in my hands tomorrow. I still have 5 weeks so I'm sure I'll finish it. :)

  41. I just signed up. :) Already 200 pages in (started last night), and I'm already hooked!

  42. I am SOO glad I jumped on board with this. I am loving this book. Such an addictive read and I am having a ball trying to figure out all his easter eggs and pop-culture references. Extra fun with all the #DomeAlong tweets.

    Here is my DomeAlong page that I'm updating as I read:

    Thank you Natalie!!!

    Sarah @WordHits

  43. Only a month late, but I finally posted my kick-off post. ;)

  44. I am coming in incredibly late, but looking forward to the challenge. Thank you for hosting.

  45. horayy!!! i get to finally read my book with others ^.^

  46. SO excited!! i've been wanting to read the book for so long!!! :D

