I am tying a string around my finger to remind myself that whenever I have a reading slump, I should pick up anything by Uncle Stevie. Whether in audio or print, I've never been let down (well, maybe a wee bit with The Tommyknockers).
But, ahhh, Mr. Mercedes. For the entire month of January, I have a boring commute from home to the Mayo Clinic in the early morning hours so I can receive radiation, and I knew I just couldn't waste that valuable time with any old audio that might make me keep saying to myself, "I'll give it another thirty minutes." I've had to do that so much recently, and it's been trying my patience. Start, stop, download new audio. This seemed to be my recent formula, but Mr. Mercedes certainly was a treat.
Retired detective Bill Hodges has a few cases that he can't quite seem to forget, and one of them is an unsolved spree-kill involving a Mercedes and a group of unemployed candidates waiting in line for the start of a promising job fair. The guy was never caught. But in Bill's retirement, as he sits studying his gun and watching empty reality shows, he just might get the chance to resurrect his love of life because Brady Hartsfield, the killer on that fateful morning, has reached out to Bill and wants to play again. And this time, he might want to go bigger.
It's sort of weird to write that I had a lot of fun listening to this book, particularly when there is a crazed murderer who likes to terrorize people and drive them to the edge. But, I think that's just the way it is with King's works, and either you love this maniacally twisted scenario of alternating viewpoints between nice guy Bill and sinister, aloof Brady, or you find it scary and don't want to continue. I tend to find King's works brilliant because of his uncanny ability to write a character so intensely and with such back story, that you truly feel each moment of their pain and their reactions are understandable. You get to know these messed up and sad folks, and I mean really, really, get to know them. And if you're not willing to dip your toe into the pool of Stephen King's works, then rest assured: Only one scene freaked me out; for the most part, Mr. Mercedes resides more in the 11/22/63 category of non-horror.
Each back story for the primary and secondary characters are thorough and sometimes tough to read/hear, but in this tale, someone must have told Mr. King to lighten up on all the detail and minutiae you would normally find in his books (I happen to like what some people might call the "tedious" details King typically adds to his books to make them so lengthy). Mr. Mercedes, however, is a tightly told story, with strong characters and intense action.
As with most of his books, it ended leaving me absolutely thrilled I had read another of his works, and also wanting more from the other characters. I desperately hope a short story will pop up from Jerome or Holly's perspective one day, the two supporting cast helping Det. Ret. Bill Hodges catch a killer.
Audio Notes: This was my first time listening to Will Patton and he was INCREDIBLE. I'm in love with his voice, a gravelly, gritty, and experienced deep voice that was perfect for a retired police detective, but he also perfectly captures the rest of the cast, everyone from a young seventeen-year-old Jerome to a mid-twenties cold and nonchalant killer, Brady. My personal favorite was Holly, a forty-five-year-old woman with self-described "issues" who still lives with her mother. Will Patton. My new favorite voice.
FTC Disclosure: I purchased this through my Audible.com membership.
About the Author

About the Narrator (from Audible.com)

Mr. Mercedes is book one in a trilogy and it may be a TV series soon, as well. The new book comes out this summer, I believe.
ReplyDeleteI just heard the other day that it was going to be a trilogy! I'm so doggone excited. I'm not as excited for a TV series because I've never been the biggest fan of Stephen King's adaptations. But, fingers crossed!
DeleteI really liked this book too. I look forward to the rest of the trilogy.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you'd read this one! Will go check your thoughts out now!
DeleteStephen King is a great slump-buster, I'm glad that you were able to get absorbed by this book. I haven't read any of his recent releases, but it seems like he is really on form at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read King in ages. This sounds like a great audio!
ReplyDeleteThat IS what it's like with King, isn't it? It's always a crazy ride. As I'm enjoying one of his books I'll remind myself that it's about a homicidal clown/phone/car and wonder what kind of sicko I must be to have so much FUN reading it, lol.
ReplyDeleteI listened to the audio of this one last year and really loved the narrator as well -- fun story too.
ReplyDeleteIf you like Will Patton, you should listen to him narrate Doctor Sleep. That is seriously one of the best audiobooks I've ever heard.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed this one! I cannot wait for the second book!
Am I right that this is already in the works to become a movie? Of course, with King that could be good or bad!
ReplyDeleteI really liked this one, too. The audio was super. I am looking forward to more and I don't like series books.
ReplyDeleteHey, are you aware that we are doing a Pet Sematary readalong in March? FYI, check out Jill's blog: https://somewhereinabook.wordpress.com/2015/02/19/yo/ - Actually, the announcement was on Instagram, I think. But anyway, it will be lowkey and super fun cuz it is a scary book with friends!